D-Wave Sampler

A dimod sampler for the D-Wave system.


class DWaveSampler(config_file=None, profile=None, endpoint=None, token=None, solver=None, proxy=None, permissive_ssl=False)[source]

A class for using the D-Wave system as a sampler.

Inherits from dimod.Sampler and dimod.Structured.

Enables quick incorporation of the D-Wave system as a sampler in the D-Wave Ocean software stack. Also enables optional customizing of input parameters to D-Wave Cloud Client (the stack’s communication-manager package).

  • config_file (str, optional) – Path to a D-Wave Cloud Client configuration file that identifies a D-Wave system and provides connection information.
  • profile (str, optional) – Profile to select from a D-Wave Cloud Client configuration file.
  • endpoint (str, optional) – D-Wave API endpoint URL. If specified, used instead of retrieving a value from a D-Wave Cloud Client configuration file.
  • token (str, optional) – Authentication token for the D-Wave API to authenticate the client session. If specified, used instead of retrieving a value from a D-Wave Cloud Client configuration file.
  • solver (str, optional) – Solver (a D-Wave system on which to run submitted problems). If specified, used instead of retrieving a value from a D-Wave Cloud Client configuration file.
  • proxy (str, optional) – Proxy URL to be used for accessing the D-Wave API. If specified, used instead of retrieving a value from a D-Wave Cloud Client configuration file.


This example creates a DWaveSampler based on a fictive user’s D-Wave Cloud Client configuration file and submits a simple Ising problem of just two variables that map to qubits 0 and 1 on the example system. (The simplicity of this example obviates the need for an embedding composite—the presence of qubits 0 and 1 on the selected D-Wave system can be verified manually.)

>>> # Example configuration file /home/susan/.config/dwave/dwave.conf:
>>> #    [defaults]
>>> #    endpoint = https://url.of.some.dwavesystem.com/sapi
>>> #    client = qpu
>>> #
>>> #    [dw2000]
>>> #    solver = EXAMPLE_2000Q_SYSTEM
>>> #    token = ABC-123456789123456789123456789
>>> from dwave.system.samplers import DWaveSampler
>>> sampler = DWaveSampler()
>>> response = sampler.sample_ising({0: -1, 1: 1}, {})
>>> for sample in response.samples():  
...    print(sample)
{0: 1, 1: -1}

Sampler Properties

DWaveSampler.properties dict – D-Wave solver properties as returned by a SAPI query.
DWaveSampler.parameters dict[str, list] – D-Wave solver parameters in the form of a dict, where keys are keyword parameters accepted by a SAPI query and values are lists of properties in DWaveSampler.properties for each key.

Structured Sampler Properties

DWaveSampler.nodelist list – List of active qubits for the D-Wave solver.
DWaveSampler.edgelist list – List of active couplers for the D-Wave solver.
DWaveSampler.adjacency dict[variable, set] – Adjacency structure formatted as a dict, where keys are the nodes of the structured sampler and values are sets of all adjacent nodes for each key node.
DWaveSampler.structure Structure of the structured sampler formatted as a namedtuple Structure(nodelist, edgelist, adjacency), where the 3-tuple values are the nodelist and edgelist properties and adjacency() method.


DWaveSampler.sample(bqm, **parameters) Samples from a binary quadratic model using an implemented sample method.
DWaveSampler.sample_ising(h, J, **kwargs) Sample from the provided Ising model.
DWaveSampler.sample_qubo(Q, **kwargs) Sample from the provided QUBO.