Source code for dwave.system.composites.tiling

A dimod composite_ that tiles small problems multiple times to a Chimera-structured sampler.

The :class:`.TilingComposite` takes a problem that can fit on a small Chimera_ graph
and replicates it across a larger Chimera graph to obtain samples from multiple areas
of the solver in one call. For example, a 2x2 Chimera lattice could be tiled 64 times
(8x8) on a fully-yielded D-Wave 2000Q system (16x16).

.. _composite:
.. _Chimera:

from __future__ import division
from math import sqrt, ceil

import dimod
import dwave_networkx as dnx

__all__ = ['TilingComposite']

[docs]class TilingComposite(dimod.Sampler, dimod.Composite, dimod.Structured): """Composite to tile a small problem across a Chimera-structured sampler. Inherits from :class:`dimod.Sampler`, :class:`dimod.Composite`, and :class:`dimod.Structured`. Enables parallel sampling for small problems (problems that are minor-embeddable in a small part of a D-Wave solver's Chimera_ graph). The notation *CN* refers to a Chimera graph consisting of an NxN grid of unit cells. Each Chimera unit cell is itself a bipartite graph with shores of size t. The D-Wave 2000Q QPU supports a C16 Chimera graph: its 2048 qubits are logically mapped into a 16x16 matrix of unit cell of 8 qubits (t=4). A problem that can be minor-embedded in a single unit cell, for example, can therefore be tiled across the unit cells of a D-Wave 2000Q as 16x16 duplicates. This enables sampling 256 solutions in a single call. .. _Chimera: Args: sampler (:class:`dimod.Sampler`): Structured dimod sampler to be wrapped. sub_m (int): Number of rows of Chimera unit cells for minor-embedding the problem once. sub_n (int): Number of columns of Chimera unit cells for minor-embedding the problem once. t (int, optional, default=4): Size of the shore within each Chimera unit cell. Examples: This example instantiates a composed sampler using composite :class:`.TilingComposite` to tile a QUBO problem on a D-Wave solver, embedding it with composite :class:`.EmbeddingComposite` and selecting the D-Wave solver with the user's default D-Wave Cloud Client configuration_ file. The two-variable QUBO represents a logical NOT gate (two nodes with biases of -1 that are coupled with strength 2) and is easily minor-embedded in a single Chimera cell (it needs only any two coupled qubits) and so can be tiled multiple times across a D-Wave solver for parallel solution (the two nodes should typically have opposite values). >>> from dwave.system.samplers import DWaveSampler >>> from dwave.system.composites import EmbeddingComposite >>> from dwave.system.composites import TilingComposite >>> sampler = EmbeddingComposite(TilingComposite(DWaveSampler(), 1, 1, 4)) >>> Q = {(1, 1): -1, (1, 2): 2, (2, 1): 0, (2, 2): -1} >>> response = sampler.sample_qubo(Q) >>> for sample in response.samples(): # doctest: +SKIP ... print(sample) ... {1: 0, 2: 1} {1: 1, 2: 0} {1: 1, 2: 0} {1: 1, 2: 0} {1: 0, 2: 1} {1: 0, 2: 1} {1: 1, 2: 0} {1: 0, 2: 1} {1: 1, 2: 0} >>> # Snipped above response for brevity .. _configuration: """ nodelist = None """list: List of active qubits for the structured solver. Examples: This example creates a :class:`.TilingComposite` for a problem that requires a 2x1 Chimera lattice to solve with a :class:`DWaveSampler` as the sampler. It prints the active qubits retrieved from a D-Wave solver selected by the user's default D-Wave Cloud Client configuration_ file. >>> from dwave.system.samplers import DWaveSampler >>> from dwave.system.composites import TilingComposite >>> sampler_tile = TilingComposite(DWaveSampler(), 2, 1, 4) >>> sampler_tile.nodelist # doctest: +SKIP [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] .. _configuration: """ edgelist = None """list: List of active couplers for the D-Wave solver. Examples: This example creates a :class:`.TilingComposite` for a problem that requires a 1x2 Chimera lattice to solve with a :class:`DWaveSampler` as the sampler. It prints the active couplers retrieved from a D-Wave solver selected by the user's default D-Wave Cloud Client configuration_ file. >>> from dwave.system.samplers import DWaveSampler >>> from dwave.system.composites import TilingComposite >>> sampler_tile = TilingComposite(DWaveSampler(), 1, 2, 4) >>> sampler_tile.edgelist # doctest: +SKIP [[0, 4], [0, 5], [0, 6], [0, 7], [1, 4], [1, 5], [1, 6], [1, 7], [2, 4], [2, 5], [2, 6], [2, 7], [3, 4], [3, 5], [3, 6], [3, 7], [4, 12], [5, 13], [6, 14], [7, 15], [8, 12], [8, 13], [8, 14], [8, 15], [9, 12], [9, 13], [9, 14], [9, 15], [10, 12], [10, 13], [10, 14], [10, 15], [11, 12], [11, 13], [11, 14], [11, 15]] .. _configuration: """ parameters = None """dict[str, list]: Parameters in the form of a dict. For an instantiated composed sampler, keys are the keyword parameters accepted by the child sampler. Examples: This example instantiates a :class:`.TilingComposite` sampler using a D-Wave solver selected by the user's default D-Wave Cloud Client configuration_ file and views the solver's parameters. >>> from dwave.system.samplers import DWaveSampler >>> from dwave.system.composites import TilingComposite >>> sampler_tile = TilingComposite(DWaveSampler(), 1, 1, 4) >>> sampler_tile.parameters # doctest: +SKIP {u'anneal_offsets': ['parameters'], u'anneal_schedule': ['parameters'], u'annealing_time': ['parameters'], u'answer_mode': ['parameters'], u'auto_scale': ['parameters'], >>> # Snipped above response for brevity .. _configuration: """ properties = None """dict: Properties in the form of a dict. For an instantiated composed sampler, contains one key :code:`'child_properties'` that has a copy of the child sampler's properties. Examples: This example instantiates a :class:`.TilingComposite` sampler using a D-Wave solver selected by the user's default D-Wave Cloud Client configuration_ file and views the solver's properties. >>> from dwave.system.samplers import DWaveSampler >>> from dwave.system.composites import TilingComposite >>> sampler_tile = TilingComposite(DWaveSampler(), 1, 1, 4) >>> # doctest: +SKIP {'child_properties': {u'anneal_offset_ranges': [[-0.2197463755538704, 0.03821687759418928], [-0.2242514597680286, 0.01718456460967399], [-0.20860153999435985, 0.05511969218508182], [-0.2108920134230625, 0.056392603743884134], [-0.21788292874621265, 0.03360435584845211], [-0.21700680373359477, 0.005297355417068621], >>> # Snipped above response for brevity .. _configuration: """ children = None """list: The single wrapped structured sampler.""" def __init__(self, sampler, sub_m, sub_n, t=4): self.parameters = sampler.parameters.copy() = properties = {'child_properties':} tile = dnx.chimera_graph(sub_m, sub_n, t) self.nodelist = sorted(tile.nodes) self.edgelist = sorted(sorted(edge) for edge in tile.edges) # dimod.Structured abstract base class automatically populates adjacency and structure as # mixins based on nodelist and edgelist if not isinstance(sampler, dimod.Structured): # we could also just tile onto the unstructured sampler but in that case we would need # to know how many tiles to use raise ValueError("given child sampler should be structured") self.children = [sampler] nodes_per_cell = t * 2 edges_per_cell = t * t m = n = int(ceil(sqrt(ceil(len(sampler.structure.nodelist) / nodes_per_cell)))) # assume square lattice shape system = dnx.chimera_graph(m, n, t, node_list=sampler.structure.nodelist, edge_list=sampler.structure.edgelist) c2i = {chimera_index: linear_index for (linear_index, chimera_index) in system.nodes(data='chimera_index')} sub_c2i = {chimera_index: linear_index for (linear_index, chimera_index) in tile.nodes(data='chimera_index')} # Count the connections between these qubits def _between(qubits1, qubits2): edges = [edge for edge in system.edges if edge[0] in qubits1 and edge[1] in qubits2] return len(edges) # Get the list of qubits in a cell def _cell_qubits(i, j): return [c2i[(i, j, u, k)] for u in range(2) for k in range(t) if (i, j, u, k) in c2i] # get a mask of complete cells cells = [[False for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(m)] for i in range(m): for j in range(n): qubits = _cell_qubits(i, j) cells[i][j] = len(qubits) == nodes_per_cell and _between(qubits, qubits) == edges_per_cell # List of 'embeddings' self.embeddings = properties['embeddings'] = embeddings = [] # For each possible chimera cell check if the next few cells are complete for i in range(m + 1 - sub_m): for j in range(n + 1 - sub_n): # Check if the sub cells are matched match = all(cells[i + sub_i][j + sub_j] for sub_i in range(sub_m) for sub_j in range(sub_n)) # Check if there are connections between the cells. for sub_i in range(sub_m): for sub_j in range(sub_n): if sub_m > 1 and sub_i < sub_m - 1: match &= _between(_cell_qubits(i + sub_i, j + sub_j), _cell_qubits(i + sub_i + 1, j + sub_j)) == t if sub_n > 1 and sub_j < sub_n - 1: match &= _between(_cell_qubits(i + sub_i, j + sub_j), _cell_qubits(i + sub_i, j + sub_j + 1)) == t if match: # Pull those cells out into an embedding. embedding = {} for sub_i in range(sub_m): for sub_j in range(sub_n): cells[i + sub_i][j + sub_j] = False # Mark cell as matched for u in range(2): for k in range(t): embedding[sub_c2i[sub_i, sub_j, u, k]] = {c2i[(i + sub_i, j + sub_j, u, k)]} embeddings.append(embedding) if len(embeddings) == 0: raise ValueError("no tile embeddings found; is the sampler Chimera structured?")
[docs] @dimod.bqm_structured def sample(self, bqm, **kwargs): """Sample from the provided binary quadratic model Args: bqm (:obj:`dimod.BinaryQuadraticModel`): Binary quadratic model to be sampled from. **kwargs: Optional keyword arguments for the sampling method, specified per solver. Returns: :class:`dimod.Response` Examples: This example uses :class:`.TilingComposite` to instantiate a composed sampler that submits a simple Ising problem of just two variables that map to qubits 0 and 1 on the D-Wave solver selected by the user's default D-Wave Cloud Client configuration_ file. (The simplicity of this example obviates the need for an embedding composite.) Because the problem fits in a single Chimera_ unit cell, it is tiled across the solver's entire Chimera graph, resulting in multiple samples. >>> from dwave.system.samplers import DWaveSampler >>> from dwave.system.composites import EmbeddingComposite, TilingComposite >>> sampler = TilingComposite(DWaveSampler(), 1, 1, 4) >>> response = sampler.sample_ising({0: -1, 1: 1}, {}) >>> for sample in response.samples(): # doctest: +SKIP ... print(sample) ... {0: 1, 1: -1} {0: 1, 1: -1} {0: 1, 1: -1} {0: 1, 1: -1} {0: 1, 1: -1} {0: 1, 1: -1} {0: 1, 1: -1} {0: 1, 1: -1} >>> # Snipped above response for brevity .. _configuration: .. _Chimera: """ # apply the embeddings to the given problem to tile it across the child sampler embedded_bqm = dimod.BinaryQuadraticModel.empty(bqm.vartype) __, __, target_adjacency = self.child.structure for embedding in self.embeddings: embedded_bqm.update(dimod.embed_bqm(bqm, embedding, target_adjacency)) # solve the problem on the child system response = self.child.sample(embedded_bqm, **kwargs) data_vectors = response.data_vectors.copy() source_response = None for embedding in self.embeddings: # filter for problem variables embedding = {v: chain for v, chain in embedding.items() if v in bqm.linear} tile_response = dimod.unembed_response(response, embedding, source_bqm=bqm) if source_response is None: source_response = tile_response # overwrite the info else: source_response.update(tile_response) return source_response
@property def num_tiles(self): return len(self.embeddings)
def draw_tiling(sampler, t=4): """Draw Chimera graph of sampler with colored tiles. Args: sampler (:class:`dwave_micro_client_dimod.TilingComposite`): A tiled dimod sampler to be drawn. t (int): The size of the shore within each Chimera cell. Uses `dwave_networkx.draw_chimera` (see draw_chimera_). Linear biases are overloaded to color the graph according to which tile each Chimera cell belongs to. .. _draw_chimera: """ child = sampler.child nodes_per_cell = t * 2 m = n = int(ceil(sqrt(ceil(len(child.structure.nodelist) / nodes_per_cell)))) # assume square lattice shape system = dnx.chimera_graph(m, n, t, node_list=child.structure.nodelist, edge_list=child.structure.edgelist) labels = {node: -len(sampler.embeddings) for node in system.nodes} # unused cells are blue labels.update({node: i for i, embedding in enumerate(sampler.embeddings) for s in embedding.values() for node in s}) dnx.draw_chimera(system, linear_biases=labels)